CORE workshops


Yoga Workshops

CORE yoga offers a variety of workshops which focus on specific elements of the practise or yoga for a specific population. During these longer classes, we have an opportunity to really delve into the specific elements of the practise; taking time to understand, to feel, to practise & to develop so you incorporate the learning both in your yoga practise & your daily life. Upcoming workshops detailed below.

Most recent workshops include: Yoga for Runners & Cyclists; Yoga for CORE strength; Introduction to Flow Yoga - 6 wk program; Foundation Flow Yoga - 6 wk program; Run Strong: Move Freely (Strength & Stability for Runners)


Working with experts from other modalities.

Working together with Clinical Massage Therapist Naomi Johns to bring you workshops, programs & day retreats that help us take time to delve deeper & explore all things BODY, BREATH & MIND

EXAMPLES of what to look out for:

GRADUAL CHANGE self-care day retreat


RUN WORKSHOPS Run Strong: Move Freely

“ I have attended several of Sam’s Yoga workshops for Runners which have been fantastic.  They have enabled me to understand the benefit of yoga for runners & include this in my individual practice. “

— Jane - Yoga for Runners workshop